Kevin Ware became an inspirational hero online this month after suffering one of the most gruesome injuries ever seen in a televised sports event.
Now he says he's done with Twitter.
If years of Internet abuse has ripped your memory to shreds, here's Ware's backstory: He pretty much snapped his right leg in half during his Louisville squad's March Madness quarterfinal win over Duke. Teammates sobbed on the court and the horrific video became a viral spectacle. But as Ware recovered from the brutal injury, his Twitter following ballooned to more than 175,000 followers as he posted upbeat messages, thanked fans for their support and interacted with scores of celebrity well-wishers.
But the fun's over, according to this somewhat cryptic tweet Ware posted on Monday morning:
This is my last tweet. All the support from fans was well appreciated but its a team rule. Losers like tmz is a prime example why I don't.
— Kevin Ware (@_billionairebev) April 29, 2013
What exactly all that means, however, isn't quite clear. Is the team rule new? What's changed between now and a few weeks ago? What did TMZ do besides, well, being TMZ? And if coach Rick Pitino can get a title tattoo, why can't Ware post a simple tweet? We've contacted Louisville for more comment and will let you know what they say.
Should college athletes be allowed to use social media? Give us your take in the comments.
Image via Streeter Lecka/Getty Images
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