Not so long ago, in a city near, near the Bay, a certain retired filmmaker decided to build a place he could hang his Death Star-sized art collection and share it with a public eager for inspiration. Now he needs you, loyal citizens of the Lucas Empire, to show your support for the project.
The George Lucas Cultural Arts Museum is currently just a dream. But on Friday, the dreamer par excellence will personally present his plans to the Presidio Trust in San Francisco, along with five other projects vying for the same space (currently occupied by a Sports Basement). The Presidio, a former military base, is already home to Lucasfilm itself, as well as the Walt Disney Family Museum. So you can see the urge to complete a Disney-Lucas trifecta there.
With an eye to the Trust's decision, a campaign has now been launched to garner support via social media. The Lucas Museum, largely unknown outside the Bay Area, currently has less than 500 Likes on Facebook. (It also has a newborn Twitter account, @Lucasmuseum.) On Thursday night, the Museum's team launches its first on-screen Facebook appeal at the San Francisco International Film Festival.
"Building community awareness is key to the success of the Lucas Cultural Arts Museum," says spokesman David Perry. "You're faceless without Facebook, and we want to put a community face on our efforts. To paraphrase Carly Rae Jepsen, so Like me maybe."
So what do you get for your hard-earned Like? Well, the collection is a testament to Lucas' lifelong love of illustration. Since he started out as a preteen comics nerd with a yen for Carl Banks' Scrooge McDuck — which yielded the first page he ever bought — there are plans for plenty of unabashed geeking out over the golden age of comics.
But that's just the beginning. Once he became wealthy, Lucas started voraciously collecting fine art that told whole stories in single images — such as the works of Norman Rockwell, Maxfield Parrish and the less well-known (but just as prolific) N.C. Wyeth.
Then there are galleries on special effects digital film and animation. There are plans to showcase costumes, props and a droid or two from the Lucas archive. Some little company you might have heard of, Industrial Light and Magic, should be well represented.
Check out the full proposal here [PDF link]. Is this something you'll support? Let us know in the comments.
Thumbnail photo by David Livingston/Getty Images for AFI
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