Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hate Crime Charge Exposes Columbia Football Team's Bigoted Tweets

Football-tweetSam-laird By Sam Laird2013-05-09 20:01:17 UTC

A Columbia University football player has been charged with a hate crime for threatening a fellow student, who is Asian, using racial slurs and pushing him against a wall.

NBC broke the news on Wednesday, but that charge was actually just the beginning of the story, which opened a window into a series of bigoted messages posted by Columbia football players to Twitter.

Campus radio station WKCR compiled an Imgur album of nearly four dozen of the players' tweets from 2011, 2012 and 2013. Below are a few highlights — or lowlights, to be more accurate — of the racist and homophobic posts:

"Idk what has more Asians...nail salons or Columbia U?" — quarterback Sean Brackett.

"Any guy who wears lifting gloves to the gym is a fagget" — freshman running back Mike Gerst.

"almost got thrown out of the SAT room for calling a kid a homo when he was wearing capri jeans...what is wrong with our society" — Gerst again.

"@nytimes: New York's Jewish Population Is Growing Again" #fuckkkkkk" — offensive lineman Tom Callahan.

Sure, any athlete or college kid in general can post something stupid on social media, but this is a decidedly bad look for Columbia as the story of the Ivy League bad boys gets picked up more and more around the web. Making things worse are reports that the official Columbia football account actually follows many of the players who posted offensive messages.

WKCR posted to Twitter a letter university administrators sent to Columbia students in response to the hate crime charge and Twitter posts. It reads in part:

With respect to social media messages reportedly posted by some students, we share fully in the belief that offensive messages in any form are unacceptable and fall far beneath the standards of civility and mutual respect we expect of all our students, including student athletes who represent Columbia. We are addressing this matter aggressively with the individuals involved. We also believe that broad generalizations about any group are unfair and hurtful, and we unfortunately have seen that social media has too often become a forum for such offensive comments.

While Columbia may have dropped the ball a bit here as far as monitoring the image its athletes project to the world, more and more college sports teams are placing an importance on social media training for athletes and recruits. For just one example, check out this recent tweet from Arkansas assistant football coach Brian Early:

How close should colleges monitor their athletes' social media posts? Give us your take in the comments.

Mashable composite, images via iStockphoto, Ceneri; logo courtesy of Twitter

Topics: college sports, Entertainment, Sports if(window.pageChanged) window.omni({"channel":"entertainment","content_type":"article","top_channel":"entertainment","content_source_type":"Internal","content_source_name":"Internal","author_name":"Sam Laird","age":"0","pub_day":9,"pub_month":5,"pub_year":2013,"pub_date":"05/09/2013","isPostView":true,"post_lead_type":"Default","topics":"college sports,Entertainment,Sports,Uncategorized"}); metaData = {"link":[["canonical",""],["image_src",""]],"meta_property":[["og:url",""],["og:title","Hate Crime Charge Exposes Columbia Football Team's Bigoted Tweets"],["og:type","article"],["og:site_name","Mashable"],["og:image",""],["og:article:published_time","2013-05-09T20:01:17Z"],["og:article:modified_time","2013-05-09T20:05:36Z"]],"meta_name":[["description","The Columbia football team may want to invest in some social media training for its players. These tweets are ugly. "],["keywords",["college-sports","uncategorized","entertainment","sports"]],["twitter:title","Hate Crime Charge Exposes Columbia Football Team's Bigoted Tweets"],["twitter:description","The Columbia football team may want to invest in some social media training for its players. These tweets are ugly. "],["twitter:image",""],["twitter:site","@mashable"],["twitter:url",""],["twitter:creator","@mashable"],["twitter:card","photo"],["twitter:image:width","560"],["twitter:image:height","750"]],"short_url":[["short_url",""]]};

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United Airlines puts Dreamliner back in the air after four-month grounding

United Airlines puts Dreamliner back in the air after four-month grounding data = {blogUrl: "",v: 315};when = {jquery: lab.scriptBs("jquery"),plugins: lab.scriptBs("plugins"),eng: lab.scriptBs("eng")}; var s265prop9 = ('20576398' !== '') ? 'bsd:20576398' : ''; var postID = '20576398'; var modalMNo = '93319229', modalVideoMNo = '93320648', modalGalleryMNo = '93304207'; when.eng("eng.omni.init", {pfxID:"weg",pageName:document.title,server:"",channel:"us.engadget", s_account: "aolwbengadget,aolsvc", short_url: "",pageType:"",linkInternalFilters:"javascript:,",prop1:"article",prop2:"transportation",prop9:s265prop9,prop12:document.location,prop17:"",prop18:"",prop19:"",prop20:"", prop22:"melissa-grey", prop54:"blogsmith",mmxgo: true }); adSendTerms('1')adSetMOAT('1');adSetAdURL('/_uac/adpagem.html');lab._script("").wait(function(){var floatingAd = new AdhesiveAd("10000057",{hideOnSwipe:true});}); onBreak({980: function () { adSetType("F");htmlAdWH("93319229", "LB", "LB"); adSetType("");}}); EngadgetMenu NewsReviews Features Galleries VideosEventsPodcasts Engadget ShowTopics Buyers Guides Sagas Store HD Mobile Alt Announcements Cameras Cellphones Desktops Displays Gaming GPS Handhelds Home Entertainment Household Internet Laptops Meta Misc Networking Peripherals Podcasts Robots Portable Audio/Video Science Software Storage Tablets Transportation Wearables Wireless Acer Amazon AMD Apple ASUS AT&T Blackberry Canon Dell Facebook Google HP HTC Intel Lenovo LG Microsoft Nikon Nintendo Nokia NVIDIA Samsung Sony Sprint T-Mobile Verizon About UsSubscribeLike Engadget@engadgettip uswhen.eng("eng.nav.init")when.eng("") onBreak({980: function () {htmlAdWH("93308280", "215", "35",'AJAX','ajaxsponsor');}});United Airlines puts Dreamliner back in the air after four-month groundingBypostedMay 20th, 2013 at 12:53 PM 0

Four months after the Federal Aviation Administration grounded the Boeing 787 Dreamliner with an emergency airworthiness directive, United Airlines is putting the fuel-friendly plane back in the air today. The Dreamliner had overheating issues with its lithium-ion battery, which saw two notable failures prior to its January grounding, but a recent revamp of the battery system might put some fliers' fears to rest. It's worth nothing that the FAA approved the battery fix despite the fact that it doesn't quite address the root cause of the problem, but airline executives don't appear to be overly concerned -- both Boeing CEO Jim McNerney and United CEO Jeff Smisek will be on today's Dreamliner flight from Houston to Chicago. For the moment, United's Dreamliner is limited to domestic flights but if all goes well, it'll return to international travel on June 10th, with a flight from Denver to Tokyo.


Odd Celebrity Pairings Make For Hideous Offspring

Neha-prakash By Neha Prakash2013-05-10 02:59:58 UTC

For the most part, celebrities are an attractive bunch. And when attractive people mate, they usually make cute babies.

But it may turn out that only applies in very specific instances — and only if celebs are extremely particular in picking the best partner. (Thankfully, Hilary Clinton didn't leave Bill for Steven Tyler.)

For a series in his late night talk show, Conan O'Brien discovered that certain oddball celebrity pairings result in so much hideousness that you will wonder if their DNA had some mutant accident.

Thanks to Imgur user n8w2i who GIF'ed O'Brien's imagining of celeb offspring, we can all be repulsed and equally overjoyed that even famous people genetics can go wrong.

Screen-shot-2013-03-27-at-5-38-26-pm Screen-shot-2013-03-27-at-5-47-51-pm Screen-shot-2013-03-27-at-5-48-29-pm Screen-shot-2013-03-27-at-5-49-06-pm Screen-shot-2013-03-27-at-5-49-41-pm Screen-shot-2013-03-27-at-5-50-16-pm Screen-shot-2013-03-27-at-5-50-51-pm Screen-shot-2013-03-27-at-5-51-26-pm Screen-shot-2013-03-27-at-5-51-53-pm Screen-shot-2013-03-27-at-5-52-27-pm

Clinton image by Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images. Tyler image Graham Denholm/Getty Images.

Topics: celebs, Conan O'Brien, Pics, reddit, Watercooler if(window.pageChanged) window.omni({"channel":"watercooler","content_type":"article","top_channel":"watercooler","content_source_type":"Internal","content_source_name":"Internal","author_name":"Neha Prakash","age":"0","pub_day":10,"pub_month":5,"pub_year":2013,"pub_date":"05/10/2013","isPostView":true,"post_lead_type":"No Lead Image","topics":"celebs,Conan O'Brien,Pics,reddit,Uncategorized,Watercooler"}); metaData = {"link":[["canonical",""],["image_src",""]],"meta_property":[["og:url",""],["og:title","Odd Celebrity Pairings Make For Hideous Offspring [PICS] "],["og:type","article"],["og:site_name","Mashable"],["og:image",""],["og:article:published_time","2013-05-10T02:59:58Z"],["og:article:modified_time","2013-05-10T03:00:06Z"]],"meta_name":[["description","For the most part, celebrities are an attractive bunch. And when attractive people mate, they usually make cute babies. But it may turn out that only applies in very specific in..."],["keywords",["reddit","conan-o-brien","uncategorized","watercooler","pics","celebs"]],["twitter:title","Odd Celebrity Pairings Make For Hideous Offspring"],["twitter:description","For the most part, celebrities are an attractive bunch. And when attractive people mate, they usually make cute babies. But it may turn out that only applies in very specific instances -- and only if ..."],["twitter:image",""],["twitter:site","@mashable"],["twitter:url",""],["twitter:creator","@mashable"],["twitter:card","photo"],["twitter:image:width","560"],["twitter:image:height","750"]],"short_url":[["short_url",""]]};

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Engadget is proud to be the home of the 2014 Best of CES Awards

CEA Selects Engadget to Produce Best of CES Awards

Arlington, VA – May 20, 2013 – Today the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)® announced that it has selected Engadget, the tech news outlet with obsessive coverage of cutting-edge gadgets and consumer electronics, to coordinate, judge and produce the official "Best of CES" award program at the International CES® in January 2014.

The partnership unites two established technology authorities and enthusiasts – CEA, an organization with more than 2,000 members in the consumer electronics industry, and Engadget, which covers tech news in-depth and with integrity – and furthers their common goal of showcasing outstanding products to a global audience.

"We already live and breathe CES every year," said Tim Stevens, editor in chief, Engadget. "Now, this official designation gives us a chance to grow in another year as Official Online News Source and formalize what we love to do – dissect and debate about all the amazing products we see on the floor."

"Engadget is well-known for its breadth and depth of covering innovations within the CE industry," said Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of CEA, "so they were a natural fit to produce the 2014 Best of CES awards. Engadget and CEA share a passion for technology and for showcasing innovations to a global audience. Their dedicated editorial team canvases the CES show floor to cover the best products across all key categories of CES. Their quality coverage is sought after by CES exhibitors and the independent editorial judgment they will bring to these awards will help highlight the top products at the 2014 CES."

Award categories for the 2014 show will include:
• Best Audio Product
• Best Automotive Electronics Product
• Best Digital Health and Fitness Product
• Best Emerging Technology
• Best Gaming Product
• Best Kid-friendly Product
• Best Maker-friendly Product
• Best Mobile Technology
• Best PC
• Best Software
• Best Startup
• Best Video Product
• People's Choice Award
• Best of the Best

Engadget editors will use the site to solicit submissions in the months leading up to the 2014 CES and actively look for other eligible submissions once the event starts. The Engadget Best of CES Awards are only open to new products that debut at the 2014 International CES.

Engadget's senior editors will combine their respective talents and expertise to cast votes for nominees based on level of innovation, quality of design, overall efficiency and market demand. Engadget's editors will bring the same promise of independence to the awards that they do to product reviews and reporting.

Nominees will be announced on the Engadget stage on the second day of International CES 2014, Wednesday, January 8, and winners will be revealed onstage the following day. In addition to numerous promotional opportunities across Engadget's networks, winners will receive a custom-designed, 3D-printed trophy on the Engadget stage during the final ceremonies that will be broadcast live on, HuffPost Live and

The Best of CES Awards Program started approximately 10 years ago to celebrate the innovation and noteworthy products on display at the International CES each year.

About CEA
The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) is the preeminent trade association promoting growth in the $209 billion U.S. consumer electronics industry. More than 2,000 companies enjoy the benefits of CEA membership, including legislative advocacy, market research, technical training and education, industry promotion, standards development and the fostering of business and strategic relationships. CEA also owns and produces the International CES – The Global Stage for Innovation. All profits from CES are reinvested into CEA's industry services. Find CEA online at, and through social media:

About Engadget
Engadget was founded in 2004 as a devoted, instant source for tech news. While maintaining this commitment, Engadget's presence has grown to include weekly podcasts in English and Spanish, international versions of the site with localized content, the tablet magazine Distro and the Webby Award-winning Engadget Show. Engadget also exists offline with regular meetups and the new Expand event series to provide a well-rounded experience for its readers. Find Engadget online at and in the iTunes store.

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McCain Introduces Bill for 'a la Carte' Cable TV

Mccain-gettyCharlie-white By Charlie White2013-05-09 23:34:58 UTC

Hate having to pay for hundreds of cable TV channels when you watch less than a dozen? How about those blackout rules that make it so you can't watch your favorite NFL team when a home game isn't sold out?

If Sen. John McCain gets his way — and that's a big "if" — those two annoyances could be a thing of the past.

Sen. McCain introduced a bill Thursday in Congress, the Television Consumer Freedom Act of 2013. The act would "encourage the wholesale and retail unbundling of programming by distributors and programmers."

That means if you want to subscribe to a single cable channel, such as ESPN, you would be able to do that without subscribing to any others.

Here's how the senior Senator from Arizona introduced his bill: "For over 15 years I have supported giving consumers the ability to buy cable channels individually, also known as 'a la carte' — to provide consumers more control over viewing options in their home and, as a result, their monthly cable bill."

McCain says current bundling practices are "unfair and wrong."

McCain says current bundling practices are "unfair and wrong." In theory, this bill would make compliance with his a la carte plan voluntary. But program providers would be enticed into complying because of another law he wants to attach to the bill: one that makes dealing with copyright much easier for cable networks.

If cable and satellite programming purveyors wanted to enjoy the sweet deal they enjoy now — one where broadcast stations are forced to license their content to the cable and satellite providers — they'll have to play along with McCain's a la carte plan.

McCain cited his next-door neighbor, a 74-year-old widow, who has to pay higher cable rates because of sports programming on ESPN (the most expensive cable channel), even though she never watches it. She ends up sending a check to Disney for about $70 for something she never uses.

"Today, we're putting up a stop sign," said McCain.

McCain's bill also forbids networks from downgrading their over-the-air broadcast signal so that customers will be forced to buy cable TV with higher-quality, non-degraded video. The law would threaten to take broadcasters off the air by taking away their broadcast frequencies and having the FCC auction them off.

Sports fans should love McCain's proposed repeal of blackout rules. Under his bill, cable subscribers would be able to watch local games played in stadiums that are publicly financed, which includes many stadiums and teams that are supported by local taxes.

What's in doubt is what this bill would do to prices. Will it make cable and satellite TV more expensive — as it has done in Europe — or will people spend less on subscriptions overall because they're only getting the channels they want?

Either way, the cable industry lobbyists will have a field day trying to block this bill.

Would you prefer a la carte programming? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Photo via Getty Images

Topics: a la carte, cable tv, Politics, Senate Bill, U.S., US & World if(window.pageChanged) window.omni({"channel":"us-world","content_type":"article","top_channel":"us-world","content_source_type":"Internal","content_source_name":"Internal","author_name":"Charlie White","age":"0","pub_day":9,"pub_month":5,"pub_year":2013,"pub_date":"05/09/2013","isPostView":true,"post_lead_type":"Default","topics":"a la carte,cable tv,Politics,Senate Bill,Uncategorized,U.S.,US & World"}); metaData = {"link":[["canonical",""],["image_src",""]],"meta_property":[["og:url",""],["og:title","McCain Introduces Bill for 'a la Carte' Cable TV"],["og:type","article"],["og:site_name","Mashable"],["og:image",""],["og:article:published_time","2013-05-09T23:34:58Z"],["og:article:modified_time","2013-05-09T23:45:29Z"]],"meta_name":[["description","Hate paying for hundreds of cable TV channels when you only watch less than a dozen? Soon you might buy them a la carte, if Sen.McCain has his way."],["keywords",["cable-tv","a-la-carte","uncategorized","us-world","politics","us","senate-bill"]],["twitter:title","McCain Introduces Bill for 'a la Carte' Cable TV"],["twitter:description","Hate having to pay for hundreds of cable TV channels when you watch less than a dozen? How about those blackout rules that make it so you can't watch your favorite NFL team when a home game isn't sold..."],["twitter:image",""],["twitter:site","@mashable"],["twitter:url",""],["twitter:creator","@mashable"],["twitter:card","photo"],["twitter:image:width","560"],["twitter:image:height","750"]],"short_url":[["short_url",""]]};

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Tesla Model S Gets 99 out of 100 Rating From Consumer Reports

Tesla-model-sCharlie-white By Charlie White2013-05-09 17:23:14 UTC

Consumer Reports has fallen in love with the Tesla Model S. On its scale of one to 100, the $70,000+ electric car scored a 99, tied with the highest rating the highly regarded publication has ever awarded to any car.

It's an enormous victory for Elon Musk's growing electric car company, which showed its first profit last quarter. The praise from Consumer Reports is in stark contrast to the controversial review from The New York Times three months ago, which showed the car running out of battery power and emphasized its limited range compared to vehicles powered by fossil fuels.

Consumer Reports lauded the car's "excellent handling," "comfortable ride," and "eerily hushed," roomy interior.

Consumer Reports lauded the car's "excellent handling," "comfortable ride," and "eerily hushed," roomy interior. The reviewers praised the car's 17-inch touchscreen with its high-resolution Google Earth maps, generous trunk space in the front and back, and powerful acceleration.

The review cited the car's need to recharge as its only flaw. Said the publication's head of auto testing Jake Fisher to CNN, "If it could recharge in any gas station in three minutes, this car would score about 110."

Citing a range of "180 and 225 miles on a charge, depending on the weather," Consumer Reports wrote that the car recharges in 5 hours when plugged into Tesla's optional high-power wall connector, or 12 hours on a standard 240 V electric car charger. The publication paid $89,654 its test car, which included the most powerful battery and fastest charger, and an additional $1,200 for that optional high power wall connector.

As a result of the Consumer Reports praise of the electric car, Tesla stock rose by 13% in after-hours trading on Wednesday, continuing that trend Thursday morning as it skyrocketed by an additional 25%, up 107.3% for the year.

Writes Consumer Reports, which buys all its review vehicles and accepts no paid advertising: "So is the Tesla Model S the best car ever? We wrestled with that question long and hard. It comes close." What do you think?

Photo courtesy Tesla Motors

0c77b613 Concept%2520version Tesla%2520factory%2520or%2520prometheus%2520set Almost%2520ready Factory%25201 4c80d47a Crawler%2520with%2520car Cc34c791 Mag%2520track Training%2520wheels Tesla%2520employees%2520wait Model%2520s%2520front 1a07db50 Rear%2520view Ready%2520to%2520go Jerry%2520brown Musk%2520speaks Key%2520ceremony White%2520lightning Musk's%2520words Rear%2520underbody Toy%2520roadsters Spider%2520vehicle Welding%2520area 8694c885 Topics: consumer reports, electric cars, Gadgets, Tech, Tesla Model S if(window.pageChanged) window.omni({"channel":"tech","content_type":"article","top_channel":"tech","content_source_type":"Internal","content_source_name":"Internal","author_name":"Charlie White","age":"0","pub_day":9,"pub_month":5,"pub_year":2013,"pub_date":"05/09/2013","isPostView":true,"post_lead_type":"Default","topics":"consumer reports,electric cars,Gadgets,Tech,Tesla Model S,Uncategorized"}); metaData = {"link":[["canonical",""],["image_src",""]],"meta_property":[["og:url",""],["og:title","Tesla Model S Gets 99 out of 100 Rating From Consumer Reports"],["og:type","article"],["og:site_name","Mashable"],["og:image",""],["og:article:published_time","2013-05-09T17:23:14Z"],["og:article:modified_time","2013-05-09T17:23:23Z"]],"meta_name":[["description","Consumer Reports has fallen in love with the Tesla Model S. On its scale of one to 100, the $70,000+ electric car scored a 99."],["keywords",["consumer-reports","electric-car","tesla-model-s","uncategorized","tech","gadgets"]],["twitter:title","Tesla Model S Gets 99 out of 100 Rating From Consumer Reports"],["twitter:description","Consumer Reports has fallen in love with the Tesla Model S. On its scale of one to 100, the $70,000+ electric car scored a 99, tied with the highest rating the highly regarded publication has ever awa..."],["twitter:image",""],["twitter:site","@mashable"],["twitter:url",""],["twitter:creator","@mashable"],["twitter:card","photo"],["twitter:image:width","560"],["twitter:image:height","750"]],"short_url":[["short_url",""]]};

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ASUS Zenbook Infinity Ultrabook to appear at Computex 2013 with Gorilla Glass 3 lid

ASUS Zenbook Infinity - the World's First Ultrabook with a Lid made from Corning Gorilla Glass 3 - to Debut at Computex

Incredible performance and outstanding durability in an ultra-slim and elegant design

London, United Kingdom (20th May, 2013) - ASUS today announced that the new Zenbook Infinity Ultrabook™ will debut at Computex 2013. Zenbook Infinity features a beautiful new design that fuses glass and aluminium for a wonderfully slim profile with outstanding resilience. Thinner than the previous model, Zenbook Infinity makes innovative use of new Corning® Gorilla® Glass 3 with Native Damage Resistance™ on the lid and keyboard surround for sleek and durable style.

Slim, stylish and scratch-resistant
ASUS Zenbook Infinity raises the bar for notebook design with a seemingly impossible combination of elegance and durability. With a maximum thickness of just 15.5mm, Zenbook Infinity is an incredible 14% thinner than the previous generation Zenbook. By incorporating Corning Gorilla Glass 3 with Native Damage Resistance (NDR) on the outer lid and keyboard surround, Zenbook Infinity attains a dazzling first for notebook design - a sheer, high-gloss, finish that's highly resistant to scuff marks and scratches.
New Corning Gorilla Glass 3 has the same durability and thinness as Gorilla Glass 2, but uses Corning's proprietary NDR glass composition for superior scratch resistance, reduced scratch visibility and improved toughness. Corning Gorilla Glass 3 with NDR has three times the scratch resistance of Gorilla Glass 2, and gives a 40% reduction in the number of highly visible scratches with a 40% improvement in retained strength if a deep scratch does occur.
Zenbook Infinity features the pattern of fine concentric circles that's an ASUS Zenbook hallmark, but gains a beautifully clean and smooth exterior that's more resistant to the harsh realities of mobile life than notebooks that use more traditional materials.

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How to Hack Google Like NSA's Top Cyberspies

NsaMark Micheli for Nextgov 2013-05-09 13:37:33 -0700

There’s a reason they call it cyberspace: Like space, the Internet has grown so expansive that we’ll likely never know all its secrets. Indeed, cyberspace is so deep and complex that even the National Security Agency’s top cyberspies are struggling to comprehend it. But that hasn’t stopped them from trying.

Thanks to a FOIA request filed in April by MuckRock, a service that files FOIA requests on behalf of journalists and others, you can learn to surf the web like one of the NSA’s top cyber sleuths. The agency recently released a 643-page book, called Untangling the Web: A Guide to Internet Research, that is full of tips on doing web research — including an entire section dedicated to “Google Hacking.”

What is Google hacking? The author of NSA’s book is quick to note that there is nothing unknown or illegal about the practice — noting that much of it was first revealed in Johnny Long’s 2004 book “Google Hacking for Penetration Testers” — but that it will help you “access publicly available information that almost certainly was not intended for public distribution” (cybersecurity professionals, take note).

Here are five of the hacking tips the author recommends.

“This can be as broad as a country [site:fr] or as specific as an individual server on a company website [].”

“You will have a lot more success searching for information within the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs [] than looking at all the sites indexed for China [site:cn] or even for the government of China [].”

“Here’s where your subject matter knowledge and creativity really help. You are the best source of information about what words are most likely to yield the best quality and quantity of useful information. As a general rule, more uncommon words work best (consider using unusual proper names).”

“Most of the best information found by Google hackers is not on webpages (HTML) but in other types of files. Try all or most of the file types one at a time (these are not the only searchable types; check the particular search engine’s documentation . . . for others.”

“You will frequently encounter a website, perhaps a database, that requires registration to view its contents. On occasion you can use Google to get at that data without registering.”

The author of the document is quick to note that nobody should use these techniques for cracking — i.e. breaking into websites and servers — but rather, the author encourages readers to “hack” their own websites “to see what kinds of information is being revealed inadvertently via Google and other search engines.”

So, perhaps, it’s best to view it as a cyber defense manual — unless, of course, that’s not how you intend to use it.

Image via PAUL J.RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images

This article originally published at Nextgov here

Topics: Apps and Software, Google, hackers, national security, U.S., US & World Nextgov is a Mashable publishing partner that is the all-day technology resource for federal decision makers, delivering news, analysis and a nationwide community of expert voices on how technology and innovation are transforming government. This article is reprinted with the publisher's permission.

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Sony's not showing its new PlayStation 4 just yet, but here's a taste (video)

Sony's not showing its new PlayStation 4 just yet, but here's a taste (video) data = {blogUrl: "",v: 315};when = {jquery: lab.scriptBs("jquery"),plugins: lab.scriptBs("plugins"),eng: lab.scriptBs("eng")}; var s265prop9 = ('20576276' !== '') ? 'bsd:20576276' : ''; var postID = '20576276'; var modalMNo = '93319229', modalVideoMNo = '93320648', modalGalleryMNo = '93304207'; when.eng("eng.omni.init", {pfxID:"weg",pageName:document.title,server:"",channel:"us.engadget", s_account: "aolwbengadget,aolsvc", short_url: "",pageType:"",linkInternalFilters:"javascript:,",prop1:"article",prop2:"gaming",prop9:s265prop9,prop12:document.location,prop17:"",prop18:"",prop19:"",prop20:"", prop22:"ben-gilbert", prop54:"blogsmith",mmxgo: true }); adSendTerms('1')adSetMOAT('1');adSetAdURL('/_uac/adpagem.html');lab._script("").wait(function(){var floatingAd = new AdhesiveAd("10000057",{hideOnSwipe:true});}); onBreak({980: function () { adSetType("F");htmlAdWH("93319229", "LB", "LB"); adSetType("");}}); EngadgetMenu NewsReviews Features Galleries VideosEventsPodcasts Engadget ShowTopics Buyers Guides Sagas Store HD Mobile Alt Announcements Cameras Cellphones Desktops Displays Gaming GPS Handhelds Home Entertainment Household Internet Laptops Meta Misc Networking Peripherals Podcasts Robots Portable Audio/Video Science Software Storage Tablets Transportation Wearables Wireless Acer Amazon AMD Apple ASUS AT&T Blackberry Canon Dell Facebook Google HP HTC Intel Lenovo LG Microsoft Nikon Nintendo Nokia NVIDIA Samsung Sony Sprint T-Mobile Verizon About UsSubscribeLike Engadget@engadgettip uswhen.eng("eng.nav.init")when.eng("") onBreak({980: function () {htmlAdWH("93308280", "215", "35",'AJAX','ajaxsponsor');}});Sony's not showing its new PlayStation 4 just yet, but here's a taste (video) HDBypostedMay 20th, 2013 at 11:15 AM 0

What does the PlayStation 4 look like? We didn't find out back at Sony's big New York City reveal gala in February, but it looks like we're edging ever closer to that moment: June 10th at 6PM PT seems to be exactly when we'll find out. Hey, wouldn't you know it, that lines up with Sony's E3 2013 press conference, which we'll be liveblogging right here on Engadget. The coincidences simply won't stop! A new tease video today gives us a few glimpses at what we might see in a few weeks, but for now you'll have to be sated by looking through individual video frames. Take a look (and then another, and then another) just below the break.

The PlayStation 4 has a projected launch of "Holiday 2013," and is Sony's next entry in its long-running PlayStation line of game consoles. The company's already shown off its new DualShock 4 controller, as well as its PlayStation 4 Eye motion camera (akin to Microsoft's Kinect), and we expect to see not just the console, but a smattering of other PlayStation-related news at the June 10th press conference. Today's tease comes just one day before Microsoft's expected next-gen Xbox reveal event kicks off in Redmond. Oh you guys!

Update: Intrepid commenter GoldenRabbit snatched all the stills from the tease and put them all in one place, right here. Thanks dude!

Update 2: And gaming forum NeoGAF goes even deeper in this thread. We're pretty sure it's a game console. Or a fancy scale. Or maybe a panini press?


15 Llamas Showing You How to Win at Llife

Llama-meme-thumbElisha-hartwig By Elisha Hartwig2013-05-09 17:14:23 UTC

Are you tired of hearing the same trite, clichƩ-ridden life advice from your friends and family? "Never Give Up" they tell you, or "Reach For the Stars!"

No. There will be no more of that.

Instead, to prepare you for whatever you're going through in life, we've created 15 life tips coming from, wait for it ... llamas. Yes, llamas — because quite frankly, everything is better when you're hearing it from a llama. Amirite?

Who better to hear some llovely llife advice from, than one of the most under-appreciated, majestic creatures on the Earth? So, whether you are gearing up for graduation or you're just trying to live the best damn life you can, remember: you can allways llearn something from a llama.

To make the experience complete, play this epic mix as you scroll through all the llama glory:

Image courtesy of Andy Tinkham, Flickr

Image courtesy of spamdangler, Flickr

Image courtesy of ralph and jenny, Flickr

Image courtesy of asra_valorshon, Flickr

Image courtesy of christianmadden, Flickr

Image courtesy of Elisha Hartwig

Image courtesy of TCtroi, Flickr

Image courtesy of Kim.Deslandes, Flickr

Image courtesy of k.steudel, Flickr

Image courtesy of Martin Cathrae, Flickr

Image courtesy of Valerie Everett, Flickr

Image courtesy of juliecinci, Flickr

Image courtesy of mckaysavage, Flickr

Image courtesy of jared, Flickr

And above all,

Image courtesy of davidcstone, Flickr

Topics: Memes, Watercooler if(window.pageChanged) window.omni({"channel":"watercooler","content_type":"article","top_channel":"watercooler","content_source_type":"Internal","content_source_name":"Internal","author_name":"Elisha Hartwig","age":"0","pub_day":9,"pub_month":5,"pub_year":2013,"pub_date":"05/09/2013","isPostView":true,"post_lead_type":"Default","topics":"Lists,Memes,Uncategorized,Watercooler"}); metaData = {"link":[["canonical",""],["image_src",""]],"meta_property":[["og:url",""],["og:title","15 Llamas Showing You How to Win at Llife"],["og:type","article"],["og:site_name","Mashable"],["og:image",""],["og:article:published_time","2013-05-09T17:14:23Z"],["og:article:modified_time","2013-05-09T17:39:37Z"]],"meta_name":[["description","To prepare you for whatever you're going through in life, we've created 15 life tips coming from, wait for it... llamas. Yes, llamas."],["keywords",["uncategorized","watercooler","memes","megalist","lists"]],["twitter:title","15 Llamas Showing You How to Win at Llife"],["twitter:description","Are you tired of hearing the same trite, clichƩ-ridden life advice from your friends and family? \"Never Give Up\" they tell you, or \"Reach For the Stars!\" No. There will be no more of that. Instead, to..."],["twitter:image",""],["twitter:site","@mashable"],["twitter:url",""],["twitter:creator","@mashable"],["twitter:card","photo"],["twitter:image:width","560"],["twitter:image:height","750"]],"short_url":[["short_url",""]]};

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