JVC unveils $18,000 4K interchangeable lens camcorder with Nikon F-mount data = {blogUrl: "www.engadget.com",v: 315};when = {jquery: lab.scriptBs("jquery"),plugins: lab.scriptBs("plugins"),eng: lab.scriptBs("eng")}; var s265prop9 = ('20620245' !== '') ? 'bsd:20620245' : ''; var postID = '20620245'; var modalMNo = '93319229', modalVideoMNo = '93320648', modalGalleryMNo = '93304207'; when.eng("eng.omni.init", {pfxID:"weg",pageName:document.title,server:"acp-ld39.websys.aol.com",channel:"us.engadget", s_account: "aolwbengadget,aolsvc", short_url: "",pageType:"",linkInternalFilters:"javascript:,",prop1:"article",prop2:"cameras",prop9:s265prop9,prop12:document.location,prop17:"",prop18:"",prop19:"",prop20:"", prop22:"steve-dent", prop54:"blogsmith",mmxgo: true }); adSendTerms('1')adSetMOAT('1');adSetAdURL('/_uac/adpagem.html');lab._script("http://o.aolcdn.com/os/ads/adhesion/js/adhads-min.js").wait(function(){var floatingAd = new AdhesiveAd("348-14-15-14d",{hideOnSwipe:true});}); onBreak({980: function () { adSetType("F");htmlAdWH("93319229", "LB", "LB"); adSetType("");}}); EngadgetMenu NewsReviews Features Galleries VideosEventsPodcasts Engadget ShowTopics Buyers Guides Sagas Store HD Mobile Alt Announcements Cameras Cellphones Desktops Displays Gaming GPS Handhelds Home Entertainment Household Internet Laptops Meta Misc Networking Peripherals Podcasts Robots Portable Audio/Video Science Software Storage Tablets Transportation Wearables Wireless Acer Amazon AMD Apple ASUS AT&T Blackberry Canon Dell Facebook Google HP HTC Intel Lenovo LG Microsoft Nikon Nintendo Nokia NVIDIA Samsung Sony Sprint T-Mobile Verizon About UsSubscribeLike Engadget@engadgettip uswhen.eng("eng.nav.init")when.eng("eng.tips.init") onBreak({980: function () {htmlAdWH("93308280", "215", "35",'AJAX','ajaxsponsor');}});JVC unveils $18,000 4K interchangeable lens camcorder with Nikon F-mountBy
Steve DentpostedJun 13th, 2013 at 9:38 AM 0
Lovers of 4K and Nikon glass, rejoice: JVC has just launched a 4K large-sensor camcorder that will use Nikon F-mount lenses. The JY-HMQ30 camera will operate in manual focus mode only -- even with AF glass -- though f-stop settings will be controllable in-camera for modern lenses with no aperture ring. As with the company's fixed lens GY-HMQ10, the interchangeable model will record AVC/H.264 4K video at up to 60 fps onto four separate SDHC cards, each capturing an HD-sized quadrant with a total maximum data rate of 144Mbps -- and also capture 1080/60p video at 28Mbps onto a single card. Other features include a JVC 4K clip manager that'll convert files to Apple's ProRes422 codec, live 4K, 60 fps output to a monitor or portable recorder, 4K time-lapse recording, a focus assist function and stereo XLR microphone inputs. Though the company's taking orders for the 1.7 million yen ($18,000) camera starting today in Japan, there's no word yet on availability or pricing stateside -- but you can probably start polishing up those Nikon lenses soon.