Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Amazon launches indie game portal to promote the little guys

Amazon launches indie game portal to promote the little guys data = {blogUrl: "www.engadget.com",v: 315};when = {jquery: lab.scriptBs("jquery"),plugins: lab.scriptBs("plugins"),eng: lab.scriptBs("eng")}; var s265prop9 = ('20602003' !== '') ? 'bsd:20602003' : ''; var postID = '20602003'; var modalMNo = '93319229', modalVideoMNo = '93320648', modalGalleryMNo = '93304207'; when.eng("eng.omni.init", {pfxID:"weg",pageName:document.title,server:"acp-ld39.websys.aol.com",channel:"us.engadget", s_account: "aolwbengadget,aolsvc", short_url: "",pageType:"",linkInternalFilters:"javascript:,",prop1:"article",prop2:"gaming",prop9:s265prop9,prop12:document.location,prop17:"",prop18:"",prop19:"",prop20:"", prop22:"joseph-volpe", prop54:"blogsmith",mmxgo: true }); adSendTerms('1')adSetMOAT('1');adSetAdURL('/_uac/adpagem.html');lab._script("http://o.aolcdn.com/os/ads/adhesion/js/adhads-min.js").wait(function(){var floatingAd = new AdhesiveAd("348-14-15-14d",{hideOnSwipe:true});}); onBreak({980: function () { adSetType("F");htmlAdWH("93319229", "LB", "LB"); adSetType("");}}); EngadgetMenu NewsReviews Features Galleries VideosEventsPodcasts Engadget ShowTopics Buyers Guides Sagas Store HD Mobile Alt Announcements Cameras Cellphones Desktops Displays Gaming GPS Handhelds Home Entertainment Household Internet Laptops Meta Misc Networking Peripherals Podcasts Robots Portable Audio/Video Science Software Storage Tablets Transportation Wearables Wireless Acer Amazon AMD Apple ASUS AT&T Blackberry Canon Dell Facebook Google HP HTC Intel Lenovo LG Microsoft Nikon Nintendo Nokia NVIDIA Samsung Sony Sprint T-Mobile Verizon About UsSubscribeLike Engadget@engadgettip uswhen.eng("eng.nav.init")when.eng("eng.tips.init") onBreak({980: function () {htmlAdWH("93308280", "215", "35",'AJAX','ajaxsponsor');}});Amazon launches indie game portal to promote the little guysBypostedJun 6th, 2013 at 12:09 PM 0

Amazon launches indie game portal

Amazon feels for indie devs. So much so, that it's set up a standalone Indie Game storefront on its site specifically to highlight these gaming gems that might otherwise get overlooked. The new portal, designed to "increase discoverability," will feature select games for Mac, PC and the browser, but Amazon's not just leaving it at that. To properly promote this new storefront launch, it's tossing in some limited time promos to entice gamers to click and explore the catalog. From today until July 23rd, Amazon customers can purchase Indie Bundles containing up to 10 games for $10, as well as receive download codes, good for three pre-selected games, with every purchase (available until July 17th). The company's also throwing its considerable weight around in the publicity department, with a weekly spotlight Q&A feature aimed at shedding some light on developers and a Gamer's Choice award; a distinction that nets a game prominent storefront promotion. Feel like rewarding innovation, creativity, your penchant for slack-jawed amusement and the little guy? Yeah, us too. So check out the source and vote with your dollars.


Sarah Jessica Parker Working on Shoe Collection

After stepping down from her creative director role at Halston two years ago, Sarah Jessica Parker hasn't included "designer" in her many slash-jobs for some time now. But that's changing: come 2014, she's launching what Vogue deems "a serious shoe collection" (not a joke, apparently), with Manolo Blahnik CEO George Malkemus as her business partner. Named "SJP," the range will consist of shoes and sandals for $200 to $300, bags for around $700, and trench coats, sold exclusively at Nordstrom. 

Parker, who has clearly come a long way since the days of her Bitten line for Steve & Barry's (memories!), tells Vogue that much of her footwear experience comes from ... yes, Carrie Bradshaw: "I got to play that role, I wore a lot of shoes ... and by default I learned an enormous amount." An education that can be boiled down to one word: Manolos.

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Logitech acquires TT Design Labs, launches iPhone accessories

Logitech acquires TT Design Labs, launches iPhone accessories data = {blogUrl: "www.engadget.com",v: 315};when = {jquery: lab.scriptBs("jquery"),plugins: lab.scriptBs("plugins"),eng: lab.scriptBs("eng")}; var s265prop9 = ('20602005' !== '') ? 'bsd:20602005' : ''; var postID = '20602005'; var modalMNo = '93319229', modalVideoMNo = '93320648', modalGalleryMNo = '93304207'; when.eng("eng.omni.init", {pfxID:"weg",pageName:document.title,server:"acp-ld39.websys.aol.com",channel:"us.engadget", s_account: "aolwbengadget,aolsvc", short_url: "",pageType:"",linkInternalFilters:"javascript:,",prop1:"article",prop2:"cellphones",prop9:s265prop9,prop12:document.location,prop17:"",prop18:"",prop19:"",prop20:"", prop22:"jon-fingas", prop54:"blogsmith",mmxgo: true }); adSendTerms('1')adSetMOAT('1');adSetAdURL('/_uac/adpagem.html');lab._script("http://o.aolcdn.com/os/ads/adhesion/js/adhads-min.js").wait(function(){var floatingAd = new AdhesiveAd("348-14-15-14d",{hideOnSwipe:true});}); onBreak({980: function () { adSetType("F");htmlAdWH("93319229", "LB", "LB"); adSetType("");}}); EngadgetMenu NewsReviews Features Galleries VideosEventsPodcasts Engadget ShowTopics Buyers Guides Sagas Store HD Mobile Alt Announcements Cameras Cellphones Desktops Displays Gaming GPS Handhelds Home Entertainment Household Internet Laptops Meta Misc Networking Peripherals Podcasts Robots Portable Audio/Video Science Software Storage Tablets Transportation Wearables Wireless Acer Amazon AMD Apple ASUS AT&T Blackberry Canon Dell Facebook Google HP HTC Intel Lenovo LG Microsoft Nikon Nintendo Nokia NVIDIA Samsung Sony Sprint T-Mobile Verizon About UsSubscribeLike Engadget@engadgettip uswhen.eng("eng.nav.init")when.eng("eng.tips.init") onBreak({980: function () {htmlAdWH("93308280", "215", "35",'AJAX','ajaxsponsor');}});Logitech acquires TT Design Labs, launches iPhone accessories MobileBypostedJun 6th, 2013 at 3:37 PM 0

Logitech acquires TT Design Labs, sells Tidytilt iPhone 5 case and JustMount

Many crowdfunded companies are just happy to get their products out the door, let alone to enter the big leagues -- yet that's where TT Design Labs finds itself today. As part of a move into mobile gear, Logitech has acquired TT Design Labs and is relaunching the young firm's iPhone accessories for a wider audience. The starting catalog includes the Tidytilt Case, a $35 iPhone 5 shell with a Smart Cover-style flap, and the JustMount, a $25 magnetic wall mount for the Tidytilt and other metallic gadgets. Pre-orders for the Logitech versions are available now, and we're told to expect deeper collaborations in the future.


Democrats Confident GOP Will Continue to Reveal Gross Ignorance About Women

Judging from EMILY’s List e-mail blasts and DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz's remarks on MSNBC, Politico is pretty sure Democrats are planning to repeat the surprisingly effective “war on women” strategy in the 2014 election. 

The most recent gaffe came from Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss, pictured, who echoed amateur zoologist Erick Erickson during Tuesday's Senate Armed Services Committee, when he suggested that military sexual assault is an unfortunate side effect of nature and not, as fellow committee member Senator Claire McCaskill stressed, an abuse of power. “The hormone level created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types of things to occur,” he said. Sure enough, a slew of Democratic legislators offered Politico condemnations of Chambliss — and he's not even seeking reelection in 2014.

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Pussy Riot Makes First U.S. Appearance

Two members of Russian feminist collective and punk band Pussy Riot doffed their balaclavas to speak with a group of activists at Lower East Side bookstore Bluestockings this week. The women made their first-ever visit to the U.S. in order to promote the June 10 HBO documentary Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer — very quietly. According to the Guardian, the appearance was unannounced, and the 50 or so attendees were asked to keep news of the band’s arrival off the Internet — “all security measures, they said, to avoid the Russian security services that imprisoned their bandmates and continue to target them.” (The Guardian also adhered to a 48-hour embargo and did not photograph the women unmasked.) The women, who went by the pseudonyms Fara and Shaiba, also met with Occupy activists last week, in order to “have a dialogue” with the existing networks that have rallied around Pussy Riot.

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