Sunday, March 31, 2013

Apple Changes MacBook Pro 'Highest Resolution' Tagline

Macbook-pro-13-retina2013-03-26 15:08:52 UTC

The problem with using superlatives to describe your products is that there's always the possibility of someone better and bigger coming along.

Case in point: As 9to5Mac noticed, Apple recently stopped using the tagline "The highest-resolution notebook ever. And the second highest” to describe its 15-inch and 13-inch MacBook Pro notebooks.

Instead, Apple is using a new tagline to describe the MacBook Pros: "High performance has never been so well defined".

The likely reason for this is Google's recently announced Chromebook Pixel notebook, which has a 12.75-inch, 2,560x1,700 pixel display. That's still lower than the 15-inch Retina MacBook Pro, which sports a 2,880x1,800 resolution, but the 13-inch model, which has a 2,560x1,600 resolution, is no longer the "second highest."

Apple also changed the description for the 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro, which now claims its display is "just as impressive" instead of saying it's the "only thing that comes close" to the 15-inch model.

Similarly, as iPhone competitors' screens grew in size and resolution, Apple stopped focusing its copy on the resolution and the pixel density of the iPhone screen. It currently advertises the iPhone 5's screen as being "just right".

Image courtesy Kimihiro Hoshino/AFP/Getty Images

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