Friday, April 12, 2013

Bacon, Beef, Doughnuts, Sprinkles: MLB Team Creates Ultimate Burger

Gnarlyburger2013-04-06 00:43:25 UTC

Pittsburgh Pirates fans may not have high hopes for their team on the field this season, but the MLB franchise is taking sports fan gluttony to a whole new level.

It's called the Brunch Burger, and it's available to fans who attend games at PNC Park. Here's the deal: Beef patty, bacon, cheddar cheese and a fried egg sandwiched between a bun made from a sprinkled-glazed doughnut.

MLB's Cut4 content arm shared a photo of the burger in this Thursday night tweet:

So, while the Pirates probably won't win their division this season, they are the odds-on favorite for in-stadium coronaries. (There's also a video if you want to check that out.)

Awesome or disgusting? Give us your take in the comments.

Thumbnail image courtesy @Cut4

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View the original article here


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