Monday, April 29, 2013

Cap'n Crunch Gets YouTube Late-Night Talk Show

Samantha Murphy2013-04-23 13:00:20 UTC

Cap'n Crunch is looking for a comeback and placing bets on social media — and a touch of nostalgia — to make it happen.

The cereal brand is launching an online late-night talk show for its beloved animated character, hoping to rev up its loyal fan base that loved the product in their childhood. The new online animated series called "The Cap'n Crunch Show" will feature nine episodes throughout the spring and summer on its YouTube channel. Just like other late-night shows, it will air at 11:35 p.m. ET/PT and is aimed at an adult audience. A new episode is available every other Tuesday, starting May 7.

The Cap'n — whose full name is Cap’n Horatio Magellan Crunch, an iconic animated figure which starred in commercials during Saturday morning cartoons from the 1960s to the 1980s — will conduct interviews with animated celebrities and fictional characters within a giant cereal bowl. He gets out of the bowl too, but only when not with guests. Topics of conversation will vary from pop culture to social media, and he'll have his sidekick Sea Dog alongside for the ride.

Cap'n Crunch

"It felt like the natural next step for the Cap'n considering that over the last two years we've morphed our marketing of the brand to primarily digital and social, with a goal of providing entertaining content that fuels conversation," Quaker Chief Marketing Officer Justin Lambeth told Mashable. "It’s become more than about the cereal and allowing people to create an emotional connection with the Cap’n."

Cap'n Crunch Logo

Back in 2011, a rumor circulated that Cap'n Crunch was calling it quits. The outpouring of support from adults who connected with the character as a child sparked the company to move him online, first with Facebook and Twitter. Although there are now 270,000 Facebook fans and 14,000 Twitter followers for the brand, this is its first foray into YouTube.

"We consider this a comeback," Lambeth said. "The Cap'n is taking the path other personalities have used for a comeback: a talk show. Being on the internet allows him to connect with his old fans in a modern way and reaches them where — and in the ways — they are spending their time."

The cereal box this summer will feature a call out for the show, directing consumers to YouTube.

Images via Quaker Oats

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