Wednesday, April 17, 2013

iPad Easel Is for Tech Savvy Budding Artists

Kids-drawing-easel-for-ipadAndrea Smith2013-04-15 12:30:56 -0400

For all the worry about screen time and kids getting lost in video games while using an iPad, one new accessory actually encourages creativity and imagination.

The Kids Drawing Easel for iPad from CTA Digital is designed to work with apps for drawing and coloring. There's an attachable tray for storing the necessary art supplies — starting with the included crayon-style stylus.

One side of the easel has a tablet holder that uses a rotating lock to secure the iPad in place. That way your kids can't accidentally drop it, though they can turn it to landscape or portrait mode to suit their artistic needs.

The other side is a big dry-erase marker board for open-ended play — no technology needed. You can also move the art supply tray to either side, so you have the markers and erasers handy.

If the thought of an easel in your living room conjures up an image of a kid with a big plastic smock and a dripping paint brush, you can relax. With the iPad apps and dry-erase board there's not much need for clean up here, except maybe the aftermath of a pretend school day or a movie viewing party.

The iPad Easel is made by the same company that makes the iPotty for iPad. Clearly they're exploring ways to incorporate tech and tablets into kids' everyday lives. What would you like to see with a tablet component added? Or do you prefer to keep tech and play separate? Let us know in the comments.

Image courtesy of CTA Digital

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