Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kevin Ware Tweets the Most Inspiring Pic You'll See Today

Kevin-ware-1Sam Laird2013-04-15 13:56:27 -0400

Got a case of the Mondays there, dear reader? Here's a photo that should put things in perspective.

Surely you remember Kevin Ware, the University of Louisville guard who became a March Madness icon two weeks ago after essentially snapping his right leg in half during a national quarterfinal game against Duke. His story largely played out on social media, where he became a force of inspiration.

Ware's been active on Twitter since the injury, gaining more than 100,000 followers in the process while becoming a national household name. He's posted messages of congratulations to his national champion teammates, corresponded with celebrities and expressed his determination to come back from the gruesome injury.

On Monday morning, however, he upped the inspiration ante by posting this pic of himself and his heavily bandaged right leg working out on an exercise bike:

That's a pretty incredible photo if you recall that, just sixteen days ago, Ware had a massive bone sticking out of that very same leg as he writhed in pain on the ground and his horrified teammates sobbed on the court.

So there you go. It may be Monday, your boss may be a jerk, the coffee may be cold and your inbox may be totally overwhelming — but take a look at Ware's pic and know that you, too, can endure and conquer this day.

Image via Andy Lyons/Getty Images

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