Thursday, April 25, 2013

Map Shows Hundreds of Tweets From Boston Marathon Bombing

Boston-marathonAlex Fitzpatrick2013-04-20 18:32:56 UTC

This map, created by a Syracuse University professor and student, shows approximately 200 tweets sent from the scene of the Boston Marathon with the #BostonMarathon hashtag during the hours immediately following Monday's bombing.

Andrew Bauer, a student working on the project with Professsor Anthony Rotolo of Syracuse University's School of Information Studies, told Mashable his team collected more than 500,000 tweets with the hashtag, then whittled down the number to those geotagged in the Boston area.

The project is part of the school's New Explorations in Information and Science, or Nexis, a lab dedicated to data analysis and other Internet research.

"I realized we had all this location data," said Bauer, adding that a goal of his is to show technology's connection to the real world. "So location's been a big thing, to bring technology back into the physical world and show people that connection, that the things people do online, they apply to real life, it's not just pie in the sky sort of stuff."

The #BostonMarathon map displays as a heat map, allowing users to click into specific areas of Boston to reveal tweets — some with photographs — sent that tragic day.

"Even people who weren't super familiar with Twitter and its capabilities could realize all these people were sitting in the area at the time tweeting these things that were happening in real time," said Bauer. "I feel like it makes it just a little more concrete than just looking at a Twitter feed."

The full map can be accessed at Tweets From Boston.

Three people were killed and more than 170 injured in Monday's bombing. The elder suspect, 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, died early Friday following a shootout with police. The second suspect, his 19-year-old brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was apprehended alive but severely wounded Friday evening following a confrontation in Watertown, Mass.

Image via Kayana Szymczak/Getty Images

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