Friday, April 5, 2013

This Bra Dryer Makes Lingerie Laundry Easier

Bra-dryer2013-03-30 00:55:58 UTC

Drying bras is more complicated than you think. Pop them in the dryer and ruin the delicate pieces. Hang them on a line and you'll have to wait for hours. Luckily, one man has found the solution to our intimate first world problem with Ricasol, a bra dryer that solves your undergarment woes.

Using an infrared light to warm up the fabric, Ricasol evaporates moisture and preserves the garment's shape. To help maintain form, the warm air is close to human body temperature. The breast-shaped device dries your bra in 20 to 30 minutes on a flat surface and comes in a range of sizes.

You could just use a hair dryer for your delicates, but creators say the bra dryer takes half the time and safeguards details like lace or beading. Once you drape your bra over the panels and adjustable length straps, the appliance's control panel lets you select your bra type and amount of padding to automatically set air flow and temperature.

Alexander Farennikov designed Ricasol after a conversation with a female friend about the hardships of bra drying. Currently there's a waiting list for the device, which will cost $150-$200 once it becomes available.

Would you use this bra dryer? Let us know what you think in the comments.

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