Friday, May 10, 2013

Apple Seeks Feedback From Residents On 'Campus 2' Expansion

for AppAdvice 2013-04-28 00:28:01 UTC

Apple recently mailed a letter from its chief financial officer, Peter Oppenheimer, to residents living in the vicinity of Infinite Loop, Cupertino, asking for feedback on the company's forthcoming "Campus 2."

This letter comes just days after Apple revised its proposal for the futuristic campus, adding in designs for pedestrian walkways, bicycle paths and staff parking. In the updated proposal, Apple notes that it is still looking to move into the new building sometime in mid-2016.

From Friday, numerous residents living in the neighborhood of Infinite Loop, Cupertino, Calif., revealed that Apple has mailed another letter concerning Campus 2, in which CFO Peter Oppenheimer has once more solicited feedback from locals. As a reminder, Apple did the same thing back in May 2012.

In the letter, Oppenheimer notes that:

At Apple, the environment is a top priority, and we've designed Apple Campus 2 with cutting-edge features to make it energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable. Several of these green technologies are highlighted in this update.

As at our existing campus on Infinite Loop, we are committed to 100% renewable energy to power Apple Campus 2. This will include on-site generation from photovoltaics and fuel cells. As part of this effort, approximately 8 megawatts of photovoltaics will be installed, creating one the largest installations of its kind on a corporate campus anywhere in the world.

Apple started in Cupertino, and we are excited to continue to grow here. As we build the new campus, we also plan to invest in new roadways and intersection improvements, add new sidewalks and better bike lanes, and plant new trees in newly created medians in the surrounding neighborhood.

Apple appears committed to ensuring that Cupertino will benefit in as many ways possible from Apple's new residence, and that Campus 2 will leave no carbon footprint.

Here are images of the letter, via MacRumors:

Included with the letter is a postage-paid response card allowing recipients to submit feedback on Campus 2, free of charge.

Once complete, Campus 2 will house 13,000 Apple employees, and will feature a central power plant, a 1,000-seat corporate auditorium, a fitness center and a 3,000-seat cafeteria. The new residence is expected to be 2.8 million square feet in size.

This article originally published at AppAdvice here

Topics: apple, U.S., US & World AppAdvice is a Mashable publishing partner that offers news and reviews of iOS apps. This article is reprinted with the publisher's permission.

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