Sunday, May 26, 2013

Daft Punk's 'Random Access Memories' Available to Stream on iTunes

Bahjournalist-5e1f0b4ff8 By Brian Anthony Hernandez2013-05-13 18:27:00 UTC

Electronic music duo Daft Punk are teasing their upcoming fourth studio album in a new video set in what looks like a futuristic spaceship filled with buttons and switches for who knows what. Despite the digital bells and whistles onboard, however, the spaceship's occupants pull out a vinyl version of the new album Random Access Memories.

When the vinyl hits the record player, the album's lead track, "Give Life Back to Music," plays for a few upbeat seconds. Update: Fans can stream the entire album on iTunes (and Grooveshark) ahead of its May 21 release in the United States. The album comes out earlier in Australia (May 17) and the United Kingdom (May 20).

Daft Punk roped in musicians from the 1970s and 1980s to collaborate on new music for the album. Their joint efforts will pay tribute to the music of those decades. The collaborators discuss their involvement and their history in an eight-part YouTube series titled "The Collaborators."

"What the world needs now is not only good dance songs that I think are out, the world needs something new," disco legend Giorgio Moroder says in his episode.

The teaser above also reveals the album's track listing:

Daft Punk previously released audio for the album's first single, "Get Lucky," on YouTube. The clip has racked up more than 21 million views in three weeks.

Image courtesy of Columbia Records

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