Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Helm Your Own Ship With Friends in This Cross-Platform Game

Chelsea-stark By Chelsea Stark2013-05-13 23:36:27 UTC

If you've ever wanted reason to shout "Full power to deflector shields!" or "Get ready to make the jump to light speed," you might need to give this Kickstarter a look.

Quintet is a five-player party game that puts gamers on the bridge of a spaceship. Each player controls a different role - engineering, science, tactical, helm and the captain — to help the ship reach its objective. You can pair up with other teams in the game, and there are also solo and two-player ships available to players.

The game is cross platform, meaning Mac, PC, web browser and iOS players can all enjoy the game together in the same room or online. Carmine T. Guida, the game's creator, said he launched the Kickstarter to add support for Android tablets and phones.

At press time, the Kickstarter had already reached its goal, and Guida said in his campaign he'd use extra money to help support backer rewards and maintain the Quintet servers.

There are very few games that have explored the experience commanding the bridge of a futuristic starship, with the exception of Artemis and iOS party game Spaceteam. Quintet promises to give players a unique experience.

A Quintent download is free, although mission upgrades can be purchased and can be acquired through the website or iTunes.

Image via iStockphoto, InnaBodrava.

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