Saturday, May 18, 2013

Is This Publix Mother's Day Ad Pro Life?

Todd-wasserman By Todd Wasserman2013-05-06 18:03:37 UTC

A pregnant mom and her daughter prepare a meal in this sweet Mother's Day ad for supermarket Publix which some conservatives are championing as a pro-life statement.

In the ad, the mom feels her baby kicking and asks her daughter to feel her belly. The mom then asks if the daughter wants to talk to the unborn child and "tell her what a great sister you'll be." After some hesitation, the girl says, "You're really going to love Mom."

The ad, which launched in 2012, makes no reference to unborn children and merely says, "Happy Mother's Day." Yet it has become a cause celebre on Twitter among conservative bloggers. Most notably, Michelle Malkin, who tweeted:

Twitchy Team, which has 90,000 followers, is described as, "Michelle Malkin's human-powered Twitter aggregator."

Right-leaning blogs like Newsbusters have also cited the ad as "pro-life." However, so far Publix's Facebook followers haven't picked up on a possible pro-life message but merely seem to see the ad as a poignant tribute to moms.

A Publix rep says the ad isn't meant to convey a double meaning: "The commercial is meant to celebrate moms across our operating areas and to celebrate life’s most memorable occasions with Publix and food. The commercial was not intended to send any type of subliminal messaging."

Image courtesy of Publix, YouTube

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