Friday, May 31, 2013

'Casino Royale' Gets Action-Packed LEGO Remake

Neha-prakash By Neha Prakash2013-05-14 01:56:54 UTC

James Bond has always been known for his suave ability to wield guns, fight bad guys on moving trains and woo the ladies, but is 007 just as deadly cool in LEGO form?

Yes, definitely, we have proof. YouTuber coccosnowball intricately remade the opening scene from Casino Royale using only LEGO pieces. The result gives off the same air of adventure as the classic Bond films, but with some action-figure nostalgia.

The sequence uses stop motion animation to retell the story, scene by scene. Compare the live sequence with the LEGO version in this video below:

But, we're still wondering, do LEGO spies also like their martinis shaken, not stirred?

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Image courtesy of YouTube, coccosnowball

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View the original article here


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