Saturday, May 11, 2013

Zach Braff Funds 'Garden State' Follow-Up Through Kickstarter

Anita Li2013-04-29 02:28:48 UTC

Zach Braff is the latest celebrity to successfully fund a film through Kickstarter.

The Scrubs actor raised $2 million in three days to fund a follow-up to his 2004 film, Garden State, according to the Associated Press. Currently, more than 30,000 backers pledged over $2.1 million to Braff's Wish I Was Here, with 25 days left in the campaign.

The actor said he was inspired to turn to Kickstarter after seeing fans flock to the crowdfunding platform to back a Veronica Mars movie.

"After I saw the incredible way Veronica Mars fans rallied around Kristen Bell and her show's creator Rob Thomas, I couldn't help but think ... maybe there is a new way to finance smaller, personal films that didn't involve signing away all your artistic control," Braff wrote on Kickstarter.

Braff added that signing a "typical financing deal" would mean sacrificing a lot to create the film.

Wish I Was Here is about Aidan Bloom (Braff), a struggling actor, father and husband who is searching for his identity. After Bloom can no longer afford to finance his kids' private-school education, he attempts to home-school them, and finds himself in the process.

Rewards for backers include t-shirts, signed posters and tickets to advance film screenings. Those who pledge $10,000 or more get the unique opportunity to be a cast member.

Despite the success that Braff and the Veronica Mars team have seen with Kickstarter, not every celeb has had luck with the platform. Alice Cooper, the godfather of shock rock, failed to fund his project; it ended on April 19 after reaching just over 25% of its $200,000 goal.

Do you plan to back Braff's latest film? Sound off in the comments, below.

Image courtesy of Kickstarter, Zach Braff

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