Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spotify Unveils First Ad Campaign

Spotify-adSeth Fiegerman2013-03-25 16:32:30 UTC

Spotify is launching its first-ever advertising campaign in an effort to broaden its reach in the U.S.

The first spot, which you can watch below, will debut Monday night during NBC's "The Voice" and shows one music listener crowd surfing in slow motion while a narrator touts the emotional power of music.

"Because we were all conceived to a 4x4 beat. Because music can't be stopped, can't be contained," the narrator says. "Because music is worth fighting for. Why? Because it's music."

Spotify will air two other videos as part of the campaign — all of which were developed by Droga5 — including one called Her Song, which shows a man listening to music on his headphones and being reminded of someone, and another called "Getting Weird," which shows a man letting loose while dancing at an apartment party on a Tuesday night.

A rep for Spotify told Mashable that the ad campaign is intended to "introduce Spotify to a mass audience in the US" and highlight the "wide-reaching, emotional power of music."

The ad campaign comes at a time when Spotify may face increased competition from big companies like Apple, Google and Amazon, all of whom are rumored to be launching music streaming services of their own in the coming months.

Image courtesy of YouTube, Spotify

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