Saturday, April 13, 2013

This Is How Far North Korea's Missiles Can Reach

North-korea-missiles2013-04-05 17:46:24 UTC

North Korea on Friday reportedly moved two mobile missiles believed to be of intermediate range to the country's east coast, potentially putting them within striking distance of Japan and American bases in Guam. If the reports are accurate, it's the latest escalation in an increasingly tense situation which may result in a military conflict.

North Korea's threatening language towards South Korea and the United States is becoming increasingly bellicose, going so far as to approve the use of nuclear weapons should a military conflict break out on the Korean peninsula. Propaganda videos from North Korea have claimed the country could turn Seoul, Washington and other cities into a "sea of flames" — but North Korea is notorious for outlandish provocations that simply aren't supported by reality.

It's important to note, however, that there's doubt as to whether North Korea possesses nuclear weapons small enough to place atop a missile or if it would place one of their few nuclear weapons atop one of its often less-than-reliable missiles. So how far can North Korea's missiles really reach? This chart, based on data from the BBC, shows the estimated reach of North Korea's various projectiles.

While the chart can be a cause for concern for those close to North Korea, residents of Alaska likely need not worry: generally speaking, North Korea's long-range missiles are notoriously unreliable. The Taepodong-2, for example, has been tested only once and failed less than a minute after launch. However, North Korea's Unha-3 carrier rocket, not shown on the chart, successfully put an object into Earth's orbit late last year and is partially based on the Taepodong-2 — though it too has experienced failed launches in the past.

It's not known what kind of missiles have been moved to North Korea's east coast, but most reports indicate they are of intermediate range, perhaps able to reach Guam.

There's no guarantee that a military conflict on the Korean peninsula will break out in the near future, and even if fighting does break out on some level, it may not escalate to a nuclear conflict.

Nonetheless, there have been in recent days several signs that some military action may be imminent: Two days before the reports of North Korea's missile movements, the Pentagon announced it was deploying a missile defense shield to Guam, among the United States' first movements of military equipment that represented a clear response to North Korean provocations.

Earlier in the week, the United States moved two Japan-based F-22 fighter jets to South Korea ostensibly as part of ongoing joint American-South Korean military drills. The United States is also is in the process of positioning two guided-missile destroyers in the Pacific near the Korean peninsula.

Does the range shown in the above chart surprise you? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Image via Ed Jones/AFP/Getty Images; Image via Wikimedia Commons

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