Friday, May 17, 2013

Knicks Star Checks the Haters in Audacious Instagram

JrsmithflickrSam-laird By Sam Laird2013-05-06 18:26:15 UTC

New York Knicks super sub J.R. Smith had a really bad game in his team's playoff loss to the Indiana Pacers at Madison Square Garden on Sunday night. How bad? Try 4-for-15 from the field bad.

The subpar performance in a critical game had some wondering what Smith had been up to the night before. Well, a Saturday night tweet from New York's Jay-Z-owned 40/40 club seemed to indicate that he hadn't exactly been at home quietly preparing for the Knicks' second-round series:

Predictably, Smith's poor outing coupled with his rumored pre-game partying drew plenty of criticism from fans and media alike. Sunday night, however, Smith took to Twitter to let the haters know:

That, however, was just the beginning. Smith followed the tweet up by posting a Twitter link to this Instagram of a quote-unquote Official NBA Bandwagon Transferral Form:

While LeBron James was recently named the NBA's Most Valuable Player, it says here Smith is the league's Most Valuable Tweeter. His defiant Sunday night posts were the latest in a long line of truly outstanding social media shares.

There was the time he roasted Knicks coach Mike Woodson for a polka-dotted fashion fail. There was the time he sent a Kanye-laced zinger to Kardashian ex Kris Humphries. Then, of course, there was also the time he accidentally gave us all an intimate window into how NBA stars proposition their Twitter followers with the immortal pickup line, "You trying to get the pipe?"

Image courtesy Flickr, Bryan Thatcher

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