Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Catch Up on HBO and Showtime Shows For Free This Week on Xfinity TV

Girls1Samantha Murphy2013-03-25 16:29:38 UTC

If you're a Comcast subscriber who is seasons behind on shows such as Game of Thrones, Dexter, Downton Abbey and Girls — and without access to premium channels such as HBO and Showtime — it's your lucky week.

Comcast is giving all customers of its Xfinity TV service free week-long access to catch up on a ton of TV shows they may have missed.

"We're calling it the the biggest catch-up in TV history," a Comcast spokesperson told Mashable. "We've seen a huge trend in binge-viewing, where people watch the same show in a series for hours. This is a great opportunity to plow through your favorite shows."

More than 100 TV series across 30 premium cable and broadcast are now available on demand via the Xfinity TV app, and through the TV service, from Monday until Sunday. Although the TV's traditional on-demand subscription gives viewers some access to shows throughout the month, this "Watchathon" promotion will give access to the whole season or full series.

The catalog features older shows such as The Sopranos, Sex & The City and The Wire, as well as new ones such as Vikings, Elementary and more.

For subscribers without an online account set up, start the two-step process here.

Image courtesy of HBO

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