Wednesday, March 27, 2013

RebelMouse Will Now Auto-Update Your Blog for $10 a Month

RebelmouseSeth Fiegerman2013-03-25 20:30:03 UTC

RebelMouse, a social publishing service, has received plenty of buzz for helping users create a dedicated page for all of the content they share on social networks. Now, the company is launching a paid feature called Powered Sites that lets users create and manage a more social webpage from their own custom domain or sub-domain.

For $9.99 a month, RebelMouse will automatically populate your website with your posts from social networks like Twitter and Facebook, and it will provide you with a full publishing platform to post videos, blog entries and slideshows. The goal is to make it easier for anyone with a webpage to keep it active and fresh even if you're not actually updating it on a regular basis.

"Five years ago, if your last blog post was three weeks old, you felt great. You were a regular blogger. Now, real-time news has become so prevalent that people are starting to feel embarrassed about their blogs and hide them," said Paul Berry, CEO of RebelMouse and former CTO of The Huffington Post. With Powered Sites, Berry says RebelMouse is essentially "bringing your blog back from the dead" through a mix of "curation and original content."

For example, let's say you run a literary blog in your spare time. Ordinarily, you can either go through the effort of publishing a blog post or let your blog gather dust. If your site is powered by RebelMouse, however, you might simply retweet an article on Twitter from The New York Times Book Review section and that will then be posted as a new piece of content on your blog.

RebelMouse already powers some websites for free for select retailers, non-profits and notable individuals in an effort to "iron the kinks out," according to Berry, but now it is rolling out the option to any user for a monthly fee. Berry believes there is a big and potentially lucrative opportunity to help users better manage their websites.

"The domain registry business is huge," Berry says, but he argues it's also very much broken. "There's like 0.01% of people who are happy with the domain they bought."

RebelMouse launched in mid-2012 and has created 265,000 sites which attract two million unique monthly visitors. Those who don't want to fork over 10 bucks a month can still sign up to create a free social page hosted on, but it won't work with a custom domain and it will feature more RebelMouse branding.

Powered Sites isn't the first premium service RebelMouse has introduced. It also offers a sponsored content program for about $10,000 a month, which helps big publishers and brands create native ads.

RebelMouse has raised more than $3 million to date from Lerer Ventures, First Round Capital, Betaworks and other notable investors.

Image courtesy of RebelMouse

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